Aditya Nisal
Email :
Aim: To implement Pick-N-Place on a UR-5e robot arm while avoiding obstacles in its way.
1) We started with a implementation of this on a real UR-5e robot and figured out the inverse kinematics for it.
2) However, considering the time frame of the project we were working on and the complexity of the work we were heading into, we had to switch to the MATLAB simulation for this project.
3) Following steps were performed by the robot in MATLAB:
(a) Start
(b) Robot and environment setup
(c) RRT Planner Initialization
(d) Inverse Kinematics
(e) Path Planning to the cylinder
(f) Visualization of the path
(g) Pick up the cylinder
(h) Plan path to the destination
(i) Visualize path with cylinder
(j) Place the cylinder
(k) Go back to initial position
(l) Visualize return path