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Kinematics on UR-5 Robot


Skills Used:

ROS, ROS2 packages-Moveit, tf2



Protocol and networking

Team - 4 members

My role: Networking, Inverse Kinematics Node





1. To implement inverse kinematics for the pick and place of the water-filled
paper cup from one point to another.
2. To implement a minimum jerk trajectory in order to retain the maximum
quantity of water inside the cup possible.



1. UR5 robotic arm with 6 dof was considered as the robot
to have inverse kinematics implemented for this project.
This particular robot we used is at the Washburn Shops
Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
2. Literature Review was done for the entire project, starting
from the setting up of the robot, to the final output.
3. Setting up of the robot included proper wiring and correctly
networking the ros host machine with the robot.
4. All the software implementations, including, forward
kinematics, inverse kinematics, and gripper control were conducted based on a literature review. Validation of the test results was done.






















Pick and place the coffee mug






















Pick and place scissors

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